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Early Childhood Education

Bachelor of Arts


Majoring in Early Childhood Education at Concordia University, St. Paul involves the study of the methods and practices of teaching. As an early childhood educator, you have the deeply important responsibility and privilege of helping students in some of their most formative years.


Program Length

58 Credits


On Campus

Within this fully accredited program, you’ll develop the skills and insights to become an effective educator. The degree meets PELSB requirements for teaching credentials. To earn those credentials, students must also pass standardized examinations of content and pedagogy.

Becoming a teacher is more than a career. Upon completion of the program and state licensure requirements, you can positively impact young people as an instructor in preschool, kindergarten, and grade school settings.

Career Paths

Preschool Teacher $ 35,330
Kindergarten Teacher $ 60,490
Elementary Teacher $ 61,690

program details

Start your journey toward becoming an educator in one of the most prestigious teaching programs in the state. CSP’s education department prides itself on nearly 60 years of equipping educators with the tools to become effective communicators and influential instructors.

Educators are vitally important to the success of societies as a whole and are required to be proficient in a wide range of skills. You’ll acquire a valuable skillset in areas such as educational psychology, teaching methodology, classroom management, language development, and more.

CSP’s education program is widely recognized as one of the finest in the state of Minnesota and within the Concordia University System. The program is fully accredited by the National Council of Accreditation for Teacher Education (continuously since 1969) and the PELSB.

One of the final steps in your journey toward becoming a teacher is student teaching. Student teaching offers direct teaching experiences in the classroom that help you develop the understanding, skills, and dispositions necessary for success. After completing your time as a student teacher and finishing licensure requirements, you can step into any number of roles as an early childhood educator.

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UTM Hidden Field Code //Create program name from url // Use window.onload to ensure the code runs after all page resources are loaded window.onload = function () { // Get the current URL const currentURL = window.location.href; // Find ".edu/" in the URL const eduIndex = currentURL.indexOf(".edu/"); if (eduIndex !== -1) { // Extract everything after ".edu/" and remove any query string const programNameWithQuery = currentURL.substring(eduIndex + 5); const programNameWithoutQuery = programNameWithQuery.split("?")[0]; // Set the value of the hidden input field by name const programNameField = document.querySelector('[name="program_name"]'); if (programNameField) { programNameField.value = programNameWithoutQuery; // Add an event listener to the input field to remove slashes programNameField.addEventListener("input", function () { this.value = this.value.replace(/\//g, ""); }); } } }; //Push cookied UTMs to hidden fields // Function to get the value of a cookie by its name. function getCookieValue(cookieName) { var name = cookieName + "="; var decodedCookies = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); var cookieArray = decodedCookies.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < cookieArray.length; i++) { var cookie = cookieArray[i].trim(); if (cookie.indexOf(name) === 0) { return cookie.substring(name.length, cookie.length); } } return ""; } // Function to populate form fields with UTM cookie values. function populateFormFields() { // Define a mapping of cookie names to form field names. var cookieFieldMap = { "utm_id": "cookie_utm_id", "utm_source": "cookie_utm_source", "utm_medium": "cookie_utm_medium", "utm_campaign": "cookie_utm_campaign", "utm_term": "cookie_utm_term", "utm_content": "cookie_utm_content", "utm_source_platform": "cookie_utm_source_platform", "utm_campaign_id": "cookie_utm_campaign_id" }; // Iterate through the cookie-field mapping and populate the form fields. for (var cookieName in cookieFieldMap) { var fieldName = cookieFieldMap[cookieName]; var fieldValue = getCookieValue(cookieName); // Find the form field by name and set its value. var field = document.getElementsByName(fieldName)[0]; // Assuming the first matching field. if (field) { field.value = fieldValue; // Log the field name, cookie name, and value to the console for testing. console.log("newcode #1"); console.log("Field Name: " + fieldName); console.log("Cookie Name: " + cookieName); console.log("Field Value: " + fieldValue); } else { // Log a message if the field is not found. console.log("Field not found for cookie: " + cookieName); } } } // Add an event listener for DOMContentLoaded to execute the code when the DOM is loaded. document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // Call the populateFormFields function on DOM load. populateFormFields(); }); // Add an event listener for form submission to log field values when the form is submitted. var form = document.forms[0]; // You might need to specify the correct form index. if (form) { form.addEventListener("submit", function (event) { // Log form field values before submitting the form. populateFormFields(); }); }


CSP graduates are leaders and trailblazers. Meet some of our alumni below and see how they’re shaping the world.


Our world-class faculty use their decades of experience to nurture your success from the first day of class all the way to graduation— and beyond.