Architecture and Community Planning, Master of Architecture and Master of Community Planning (dual degree) (M.Arch. and M.C.P.)

Path A: Advanced Standing for Students with a B.S. (75 or 78 credits)

Course Title Credits
Architecture courses
ARCH460Site Analysis and Design3
ARCH600Integrated Design Studio V6
ARCH601Topical Design Studio VI6
ARCH611Advanced Architecture Technology Seminar3
ARCH654Urban Development and Design Theory3
ARCH 6xxArchitecture Elective3
ARCH700Urban Design Studio VII6
ARCH 6xxArchitecture Elective3
ARCH770Professional Practice of Architecture3
ARCH797Thesis Proseminar3
ARCH799Master's Thesis Research6
ARCH798Thesis in Architecture3
Community Planning courses
URSP600Research Design and Application3
URSP601Research Methods3
URSP603Land Use Planning: Concepts and Techniques3
URSP604The Planning Process3
URSP605Planning History and Theory3
URSP606Planning Economics3
URSP xxxElective Social Requirement3
URSP705Summer Community Planning Studio I4
URSP706Summer Community Planning Studio II2
URSP709Field Instruction0-3
Total Credits75-78

Path B: For Individuals with a B.A. or B.S. (123 or 126 credits)

Course Title Credits
Architecture courses
ARCH404Graduate Architecture Design Studio I6
ARCH405Graduate Architecture Design Studio II6
ARCH406Graduate Architecture Design Studio III6
ARCH407Graduate Architecture Design IV6
ARCH425History of Architecture I3
ARCH426History of Architecture II3
ARCH443Visual Communication For Architects3
ARCH445Visual Analysis of Architecture3
ARCH460Site Analysis and Design3
ARCH462Methods & Materials of Building Construction3
ARCH463Sustainable Systems in Architecture3
ARCH464Architectural Structures I3
ARCH465Architectural Structures II3
ARCH466Environmental Systems in Architecture3
ARCH600Integrated Design Studio V6
ARCH601Topical Design Studio VI6
ARCH611Advanced Architecture Technology Seminar3
ARCH654Urban Development and Design Theory3
ARCH770Professional Practice of Architecture3
ARCH797Thesis Proseminar3
ARCH798Thesis in Architecture3
ARCH799Master's Thesis Research6
ARCH 6xxArchitecture Elective3
ARCH 6xxArchitecture Elective3
Community Planning courses
URSP600Research Design and Application3
URSP601Research Methods3
URSP603Land Use Planning: Concepts and Techniques3
URSP604The Planning Process3
URSP605Planning History and Theory3
URSP xxxElective Social Requirement3
URSP688Recent Developments in Urban Studies (URSP688L - Planning Technology)3
URSP606Planning Economics3
URSP709Field Instruction0-3
URSP708Community Planning Studio 16
Total Credits123-126

Community Planning Studio is also offered in the summer as URSP705 and URSP706