NYMC > Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBMS) > GSBMS Academics > Degrees & Programs > Master of Science > Cell Biology

Cell Biology

Cell Biology buttonTraining in the broad areas of Cell Biology and Neuroscience leading to the M.S. degree is available to prepare students for research and teaching careers in universities, medical schools and private industry.

Ongoing projects include studies of oncogene expression and cytokines, modulation of neuronal signaling, growth control in skeletal muscle, signal transduction in a variety of tissues including platelets, muscle cells, and the nervous system, intracellular protein degradation, cytoskeletal and receptor function, the development and regeneration of the visual system, extracellular matrices and limb development, spinal cord injury, neural stem cells and brain development, mechanisms of neural plasticity in memory and learning, mechanisms involved in epilepsy using both human tissues and animal models, and molecular mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease. The department has state-of-the-art facilities for the techniques used in these studies, which include tissue culture, subcellular fractionation, fluorescent digital image analysis, electrophysiological recording, and confocal and 2-photon microscopy.

Specific Program Requirements

A minimum total of 30 credits and a Master’s Literature Review (Track A) or 32 credits and a Master’s Thesis (Track B) are required for graduation. A GPA of 3.00 or better (B average) must be maintained for this set of required core courses. Electives may be chosen from didactic courses in cell biology and other basic sciences (biochemistry, physiology, etc.), in consultation with the graduate program director. View the course descriptions here.

The Biomedical Science & Management track (Track C) requires 36 credits overall. This total includes a minimum of 24 credits from the science curriculum, a minimum of 8 credits from the professional skills curriculum, and an internship and capstone project report. A Master’s Literature Review may be substituted for the capstone report if proprietary concerns at the company hosting the internship preclude a formal report. In certain circumstances, with the approval of the program director and associate dean for the Professional Science Master’s program, a research rotation (CBAM 9800 or BMSM 9800, minimum 3 credits) may be substituted for the internship, along with either a Master’s Literature Review or a Master’s Thesis. 

Track A:   
Required Courses  
General Biochemistry I  (BCHM 1010) 4 credits
Biochemistry of Gene Expression (BCHM 1250) 4 credits
Mammalian Physiology I (PHYM 1010) 4 credits
Cell Biology (CBAM 1360) 3 credits
Lectures in Histology (CBAM (1320) 3 credits
Laboratory in Histology (CBAM 1330) 2 credits
Student Seminar Courses (7101, 7102 series) 2 credits
Choice of one of the following courses:  
   General Microbiology I (MCRM 1010) 4 credits
   OR Basic Immunology (MCRM 2010) 2 credits
   OR Introduction to Pathology (PATM 1080) 3 credits
   OR Pharmacology I (PHRM 1010) 4 credits
   OR Immunopharmacology (PHRM 2710) 2 credits 
Master's Literature Review (CBAM 9750) 0 credits
Electives (didactic credits only) 4-6 credits
TOTAL 30 credits


Track B:  
Required Courses  
Lectures in Histology (CBAM 1320) 3 credits
Laboratory in Histology (CBAM 1330) 2 credits
Cell Biology (CBAM 1360) 3 credits
General Biochemistry I (BCHM 1010) 4 credits
Mammalian Physiology I (PHYM 1010) 4 credits
Responsible Conduct of Research (BMSM 2020) 2 credits
Life in Biomedical Research I (BMSM 3510) 2 credits
  OR Life in Biomedical Research II (BMSM 3520) 2 credits
Graduate Research Workshop (BMSM 8050) 1 credit
Master’s Thesis Research (CBAM 9800) 1-5 credits
Master's Thesis (CBAM 9850) 0 credits
Electives (didactic credits only) 6-10 credits
TOTAL 32 credits


Contact Us

Program Director: 
Victor A. Fried, Ph.D.
Basic Sciences Building - Room 236
(914) 594-4005

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