
4 years

Starting Date


Tuition Fee

2,750 per year


Aveiro, Portugal

About the programme

The main goal of the Doctoral degree in Biomedicine from Universidade de Aveiro is to endow students with a multidisciplinary training required to be at the forefront of research in biomedicine.

The training will permit a wide view of the field and capacitate the student to transfer the acquired know how and scientific knowledge to an academic setting, industry, research or clinical laboratories. The aim is to prepare students for future professional settings.

There will be significant emphasis on hypothesis-driven collaborative research projects, and the curricular structure of this programme is organized into a group of core postgraduate courses taught jointly by participant and collaborator institutions. This will give students the opportunity to experience the scientific ambience in both universities.

Courses Included

  • Molecular Basis of Biomedicine
  • Integrative Biomedicine
  • Project Development in Biomedicine

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